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product designers in one place
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designers globally and find inspiration to get started with yours
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About the curator
Hey I am Samuel Fabayo -
a designer from Nigeria 🇳🇬
Hey I am Samuel Fabayo -
a designer from Nigeria 🇳🇬
Hey I am Samuel Fabayo -
a designer from Nigeria 🇳🇬
Currently, I am based in London, UK. During the day I am a senior product designer at Monzo, where I craft experiences that make money work for everyone. On nights and weekends, I am upskilling 900+ designers on YouTube, one video at a time.
Over the past 3 years, I've collected portfolios from top designers all over the world. This exercise hasn't just been enjoyable, but it's also inspired me to create three distinct versions of my own portfolio and this has paved the way for some fantastic opportunities for me. Now, I'm excited to share these amazing portfolios from talented designers globally with you through Foleo, and I hope you'll be a part of this from the very beginning.
Currently, I am based in London, UK. During the day I am a senior product designer at Monzo, where I craft experiences that make money work for everyone. On nights and weekends, I am upskilling 900+ designers on YouTube, one video at a time.
Over the past 3 years, I've collected portfolios from top designers all over the world. This exercise hasn't just been enjoyable, but it's also inspired me to create three distinct versions of my own portfolio and this has paved the way for some fantastic opportunities for me. Now, I'm excited to share these amazing portfolios from talented designers globally with you through Foleo, and I hope you'll be a part of this from the very beginning.
Currently, I am based in London, UK. During the day I am a senior product designer at Monzo, where I craft experiences that make money work for everyone. On nights and weekends, I am upskilling 900+ designers on YouTube, one video at a time.
Over the past 3 years, I've collected portfolios from top designers all over the world. This exercise hasn't just been enjoyable, but it's also inspired me to create three distinct versions of my own portfolio and this has paved the way for some fantastic opportunities for me. Now, I'm excited to share these amazing portfolios from talented designers globally with you through Foleo, and I hope you'll be a part of this from the very beginning.
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